Graphic & Information Design


Graphic Design services:

  • graphics
  • simple animations
  • scientific figures
  • cross-platform content generation
  • digital and print design
  • working within existing brands

Information Design services:

  • infographics
  • data visualisation
  • science communication
  • systems thinking and mapping (making sense and order of complexity by examining interconnectedness rather than simply using reductive thinking)
  • document / report formatting and design

︎︎︎ Please get in touch if you’d like to see any examples of work 

My values:

  • accuracy of information presented
  • collaboration & inclusivity
  • equity & honouring te Tiriti
  • sustainability
  • content is the hero
  • providing accessibility
  • delivering efficiency and maximum value

Areas I’m currently upskilling in:

  • data visualisation
  • accessibility online
  • decolonising to become an active tangata Tiriti

Current & prior clients include:


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