Graphic & Information Design

Collection: QuakeCoRE infographics

Synthesising five years of world-leading earthquake resilience research across multiple disciplines into seven infographics.

I was lead designer on this project with two very talented graphic designers.

Infographic showing QuakeCoRE's mission, values, Mātauranga Māori lens, and the six main areas of focus for research. As well as their community engagement ambitions.

Infographic focusing on the research area of Ground Motion Simulation and Validation for QuakeCoRE.

Infographic focusing on the Liquefaction Impacts on Land and Infrastructure for QuakeCoRE

Infographic for QuakeCoRE on their addressing earthquake-vulnerable buildings research theme.

Infographic for QuakeCoRE that demonstrates their next-generation infrastructure: low-damage  and repairable solutions research.

Infographic for QuakeCoRE showing their pathways to improved resilience research theme.

Infographic for QuakeCoRE's spatially distributed infrastructure research theme.

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